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Corpus Praxis für Sport- und Physiotherapie GbR

The physiotherapy practice in Dußlingen has been very well received since its opening in 2019. Already in the first months they hired the first part-time employee.  Since 2021, five physiotherapists have been working in the practice, who together offer a wide range of treatments for patients. from orthopedic, neurological and surgical complaints to sports physiotherapy, neuropatients, sports rehabilitation, postoperative patients and fall prevention

    We want our patients to feel welcome and, above all, valued. We all work as a team on a high professional level, which is regularly expanded and deepened through participation in training and continuing education measures, as well as internal training, in working groups. As therapists we look at each body as a whole, through a detailed anamnesis (statement) on the patient at the first appointment, thus connections and conclusions can be drawn to individual clinical pictures on the patient. 

    We have an open ear for every patient, use our best possible therapy skills and above all always have an open heart for what we do every day, because it is our passion, which we have made our profession.